
来源:慧正资讯 2023-07-04 17:57


期间,东方雨虹联合中国公路学会举行的以“碳路前行 风霜无畏”为主题的《“双碳”目标下交通隧道与HDPE新型防水技术应用白皮书》(以下简称《白皮书》)发布会,获得现场来宾、专家学者、大众媒体的广泛关注与好评。







自1921 年建党以来,在中国共产党的带领下,经过全国人民百年的艰苦奋斗,中国经济平稳有序发展、人民生活水平不断提高、中国国际地位日益重要。新中国成立以来,我国的交通基础设施建设取得了举世瞩目的成就。公路、铁路、航空等交通网络不断完善,运输效率日益提高,交通基础设施网络水平显著提升。 

一条条公路、铁路,一座座桥梁、隧道,一个个机场、码头……它们见证着神州大地上的历史变迁,诠释着中国交通运输的发展历程。这些社会发展不可缺少的基础设施网,正成就我们伟大祖国版图上的 动脉血管,为促进经济发展、改善出行条件、提高人民生活水平提供着关键支撑。 



随着国民经济的发展,隧道作为交通运输领域非常关键的组成 部分,向 “长、大、深”的趋势迅速发展,伴随而来的是长大隧道 施工中遇到的各类水害问题,如何克服长、大隧道水害难题,是提升隧道施工速度和质量的关键。 

中国公路学会、东方雨虹联合编制的《“双碳”目标下交通隧道 与HDPE 新型防水技术应用白皮书》(以下简称《白皮书》)是我读到的中国交通领域第一本关于隧道防水技术及应用的白皮书,它的出现是对交通领域高质量、低碳发展的一大贡献。《白皮书》全面介绍了隧道防水技术现状,向行业和读者揭示了双碳目标下交通隧道防水及HDPE 新型防水技术。不仅向行业展示了防水企业在新时期对于交通隧道建设的新思考,而且对许多想全面了解交通隧道以及防水技术的从业者也大有裨益。

《白皮书》内容丰富,条理清晰。全书分为七个章节,从交通领域 “双碳”目标、交通隧道技术发展及防水技术现状、公路隧道防水、轨道交通隧道防水及应用案例等方面进行分析,帮助行业人员合理设计、选材,指导防水施工与应用。以专业力量赋能行业良性健康发展,切实提高隧道工程的防水效果,促进我国隧道及地下工程防水技术在 “十四五” 期间能够取得长足发展。

《白皮书》重点着墨于HDPE预铺反粘防水材料。对于地下工程来说, 能否在底板为结构混凝土提供直接的满粘防水保护,是解决防水渗漏问题的关键。针对传统防水层空铺,与主体结构不能粘结,可能存在窜水通道,一旦渗水难以维修,以及地下工程预埋件多、管道口多、空铺防水层收口困难等问题,《白皮书》总结提出能够实现满粘效果的预铺反粘工艺,可实现满粘防窜水的预铺反粘防水材料也应运而生。 

展望未来,党团结带领人民正昂首迈进加快建设交通强国新征程。虽然我们在山岭隧道智能、绿色低碳建造、运维等方面,还需要开展更多的科学研究和攻关工作,但我坚信,未来隧道的建设规模、工程 品质和科技创新等方面都将取得重大成就。

一百载春华秋实,展未来使命荣光。站在新的历史起点,衷心祝愿东方雨虹等行业龙头企业为推动我国交通强国建设做出新的更大贡献。我们交通隧道工作者将继续与先进企业密切合作,瞄准国家 “双碳”目标,面向国家重大战略需求、未来科技与产业制高点,戮力同心共创辉煌。 

The Chinese people are familiar with old stories such as “The Foolish Old Man Removes the Mountains”, “Five Hercules Cut the Mountain”, and “Kuafu Chasing the Sun”, which all reveal the arduous efforts of our ancestors in the development of transportation.     

Since the founding of the Communist Party of China in 1921, under the leadership of the Party, after a hundred years of hard struggle by the Chinese people, China’s economy has developed steadily and orderly, the people’s living standard has been gradually improved, and China’s international status has become more and more important. Since the People’s Republic of China was founded, China’s transportation infrastructure construction has made outstanding achievements. The transportation network of roads, railways and aviation has been continuously improved; the transportation efficiency and the transformation infrastructure level has been significantly increased.

Roads, railways, bridges, tunnels, airports, and wharfs... All of them not only have witnessed the historical changes in the land of China but also demonstrated the development of China’s transportation. These infrastructure networks, which are indispensable for social development, are becoming blood vessels on the territory of China. They provide significant support for the promotion of China’s economic development and the improvement of transport conditions and people’s living standards.

The national strategy of “building China’s strength in transportation” has made outstanding achievements. Xi Jinping stated at the 2nd UN Global Sustainable Development Congress, “Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, generations of Chinese people have built China into a powerful country in transportation with hard efforts like cutting paths through mountains and building bridges across rivers. China is now accelerating the building of its strength in transportation.”       

Achieving “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality” is an important strategy made by the Central Committee of the CPC with Xi Jinping as the core. Transportation is one of the major sources of carbon emissions. Therefore promoting the green and low-carbon transformation of transportation is of great significance for boosting the high-quality development of the transportation industry and speeding up the building of China’s strength in transportation.

With the development of national economy, tunnels, as an integral part of the transportation industry, have rapidly developed towards the direction of “long, large and deep”. However, the construction of large and long tunnels is accompanied by various water hazards. How to solve water hazards is the key for the improvement of tunnel construction speed and quality. 

Oriental Yuhong and China Highway and Transportation Society jointly wrote “The White Paper of Transportation Tunnel Waterproofing and New-type HDPE Waterproofing Technology and Applications Under the Target of Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality”. It is the first white paper focusing on transportation tunnel waterproofing technology and applications in China’s transportation sector. Its appearance is a large contribution to the high-quality and low-carbon development of the transportation sector. The white paper gives a comprehensive introduction to the current situation of tunnel waterproofing technologies, the transportation tunnel waterproofing and new-type HDPE waterproofing technology and applications under the target of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. It not only brings forward new ideas of waterproofing enterprises about the construction of transportation tunnels in the new era, but also benefits many business owners who want to know more about transportation tunnels and waterproofing technologies.

The white paper is rich in content and clear in structure. It includes seven chapters, which give vivid analysis of the target of “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality” in the transportation sector, the development history of transportation tunnel technologies, the current situation of waterproofing technologies, and the waterproofing technologies and application cases of highway tunnels and rail transit tunnels. It aims to help the industry users reasonably design and select materials, and give them instructions about waterproofing construction technologies and applications. It will promote the industry’s healthy development, help improve waterproofing effect of tunnel constructions, and promote the development of China’ tunnel technology and underground construction waterproofing technology during the “14th Five-year Plan” period.

The white paper puts emphasis on HDPE pre-applied anti-stick waterproofing material. For underground constructions, the key to solving waterproofing and anti-leakage problem lies in whether we can provide full stick waterproof protection directly for concrete baseplate. The traditional waterproof layer cannot be fully bonded with the main structure, so there may be water penetration, which is difficult to repair. In addition, there are many problems such as a large number of pre-applied parts in underground construction, many pipe openings, and difficulty in closing empty waterproof layer. To solve these problems, the white paper introduces the pre-applied anti-stick process and material, which can achieve full stick waterproof effect.

The CPC is leading the Chinese people to speed up the new mission of building China’s strength in transportation. Although we still need to make more scientific research and tackle more problems in intelligent, green and low-carbon construction and operation of mountain tunnels, I firmly believe we will accomplish great achievements in tunnel construction scale, engineering quality, and technological innovation.

The one-hundred year history of Party building has laid a solid foundation for the future development of China. Standing at the new historical starting point, I sincerely hope that Oriental Yuhong and other leading enterprises will make more contributions to promoting China’s building of strength in transportation. Transportation tunnel builders will continue to closely cooperate with these advanced enterprises to create new success, hit China’s target of “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality”, meet the demands of national important strategies, and accomplish more national technological and industrial missions.





