APRIL 22,2019

Production Dynamics of PE Plant in Zhongsha Tianjin Petrochemical Company

2019-04-22 18:09

Dushanzi Petrochemical PE old low pressure unit production 4801, old full density unit production 0209AA. The new low pressure unit produces 5502. The new full density plant has a first-line output of 6095H and a second-line output of 4808.

Dushanzi Petrochemical Company is located in Karamay City, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. It has 1.2 million tons/year ethylene production capacity and 1.1 million tons/year polyethylene production capacity. The LLDPE unit adopts Unipol gas phase method and BP gas-phase fluidized bed technology of UCC Company, the HDPE unit adopts slurry loop method and Innovene S double loop slurry process of Ineos Company.

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