MARCH 18,2024

A review of high-quality epoxy resins for corrosion-resistant applications

2024-03-18 08:48

Researchers found that the integration of chemical compounds such as zinc oxide, titanium dioxide and carbon nanotubes into epoxy resin coatings significantly improves corrosion resistance.

Research proves that the surface heterogeneity of coatings has a significant influence on their corrosion protection, as corrosion species can penetrate these non-uniformities and affect the coating structure.  Source: Adobe.Stock

Corrosion is a significant challenge in many practical applications, leading to the deterioration of metal infrastructure and equipment. A literature review indicates that various epoxy resins (ERs) and epoxy phenolic resins (EPRs) based coatings are available and are effectively applied on steel and aluminum surfaces for protection against a corrosive environment. The corrosion-resistant performance of ERs and EPRs can be further improved by incorporating numerous chemical compounds through improved bonding, such as inorganic compounds and carbon-based materials, e.g., zinc oxide (ZnO), titanium dioxide (TiO2), silicon dioxide (SiO2), carbon fiber, carbon nanotube (CNTs) and graphene oxide (GO). Surface heterogeneity (surface pores) of coatings contributes to reduced corrosion protection as corrosion species can diffuse to these inconsistencies and break the coating structure of the organic coating.

After over a hundred years of research and development, the degradation/failure mechanism of organic coatings is still under study. This paper provides an overview of the current state-of-the-art knowledge of the numerous protective organic coatings and coating approaches and examines coating performance and mechanism for the coating degradation and failure in a corrosive environment. Finally, a summary is presented on the understanding of the mechanisms and challenges associated with, and critical factors influencing, coating durability and predictive formulation against coating damage.

The research has been published in Journal of Coatings Technology and Research, Volume 21, Issue 1 , 03 January 2024.

Reading tip: Epoxy resins

Due to their outstanding properties, epoxy resins are more widely used in the coating industry than almost any other class of binder. In their new reference book “Epoxy Resins“, the authors Dornbusch, Christ and Rasing explain the basics of the chemistry of the epoxy group and use specific formulations to explain the use of epoxy and phenoxy resins in industrial coatings – including corrosion protection, floor coatings, powder coatings and internal can coatings.

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