Value-based and performance-oriented price management for manufacturers of paints and coatings
2024-07-24 08:58
The chemical industry continues to face major challenges. Geopolitical tensions, uncertainty on the sales markets and high investment requirements for digitalization, the circular economy and energy efficiency are putting many companies under pressure and pushing previous business models and pricing strategies to their limits.
By Steffen Kampmann, Partner, Prof. Roll & Pastuch & Simon Wiedemann, Consultant, Prof. Roll & Pastuch
In specialty chemicals in particular, companies should focus on proactive price management during this time in order to avoid being driven by the market and ultimately being left behind.
Systematic price differentiation instead of cost-plus
Cost-plus pricing has traditionally been established in most companies in the coatings industry. With this method, prices are set based on costs plus a flat-rate mark-up to achieve the desired margin. This pricing strategy is widely used due to its uncomplicated and quick application, but often leads to prices that do not reflect the customer’s actual willingness to pay. As a rule, the result is either prices that are too high and limit the sales potential or prices that are too low and do not skim off the willingness to pay available on the market. In both cases, profitability suffers.
The biggest disadvantage of the cost-plus approach is that the actual value that a product or service represents for the respective customer is not taken into account. In an increasingly differentiated market that specifically demands tailor-made solutions for a wide range of applications and is characterized by widely varying willingness to pay, cost-plus pricing often leads to strategic misalignments. It is therefore advisable to turn your back on exclusively cost-based pricing and focus on a market- and value-oriented pricing approach. A promising approach for this is the introduction of dynamic pricing systems.
Dynamic value pricing in the coatings industry
Two innovative approaches to market-oriented and dynamic pricing can be found in the form of peer pricing or the development of a target price calculator. In the former, a reference price for similar, current requests is determined on the basis of historical order data. In a first step, comparable orders are identified using criteria such as product, container, region, customer type and sales volume. With the help of correction factors, for example for a changed cost basis, price points are derived in the second step to determine the offer price. AI logic is increasingly being used to continuously optimize the identification of suitable old orders and the parameterization of correction factors. A major advantage of peer pricing is the high level of acceptance in the sales teams, as the methodology is based on prices that have already been successfully implemented. Conversely, it must be taken into account that any errors from the past should be corrected manually and that innovations must be priced using dedicated methods for new product pricing due to a lack of historical price points.
The approach with the greatest flexibility for mapping all market requirements is the target price calculator. This can be used to set prices based on a variety of relevant factors in a value-oriented manner. The first step is to systematically identify and evaluate the value drivers of a product from the customer’s perspective. Typical value drivers in the coatings industry are, for example, product properties such as heat resistance, anti-graffiti, UV protection, shorter cleaning times or lower frictional resistance. However, sustainability aspects such as the CO2 footprint are also becoming increasingly important. The value drivers are then linked to market and order factors such as country, industry, customer type, order quantity, delivery and payment terms, etc., so that a market and value-oriented target price can be determined for each inquiry. This method leads to a high degree of flexibility and market orientation in pricing, but at the same time places higher demands on the development and calibration of the system.
Successful introduction and implementation
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