JULY 29,2024

Self-healing protective coating with dual reversible bonds triggered by photothermal responsive Co9S8@Bi2S3 hollow core-shell nanofillers

2024-07-29 08:45

Researchers found that a self-healing protective coating with dual reversible bonds can be triggered by photothermal responsive Co9S8@Bi2S3 nanofillers.

Research proves that self-healing protective coatings can be activated by photothermally responsive nanofillers.  Source: DK_2020 - adobe.stock.com

Herein, researchers developed a novel composite coating with excellent self-healing and anticorrosion properties activated by photothermal responsive hollow core-shell nanofillers. A photothermal heterojunction Co9S8@Bi2S3 was prepared and integrated into polyurethane containing disulfide bonds. It is found that the heterojunction has enhanced the light absorption capacity and has increased the number and lifetime of photogenerated electron-hole pairs, making more photogenerated charges pass through the heterojunction interface by reducing interface transfer resistance and releasing heat as well. Under 808 nm near-infrared light irradiation, the photothermal effect of Co9S8@Bi2S3 can trigger the reconstruction of dynamic disulfide bonds and reversible hydrogen bonds simultaneously to heal coating scratches.

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