AUGUST 19,2019

Epoxy Resin Market Weakness

2019-08-19 09:42

Epoxy resin: domestic epoxy resin continued drop last week, east China liquid resin market mainstream negotiations reference in 17200-18000 yuan/tons of acceptance. The raw material of epoxy chloropropane decline difficult check, bisphenol A weak decline, the cost of production support is abate, the epoxy resin supply abundant, poor new single after bad news, such as restriction, real single volume are kept on space, real hard measures. Therefore, recently domestic epoxy resin market is expected to give priority to with weak finishing moves.

Epoxy chloropropane: domestic epichlorohydrin market decline difficult to check last week. Shipment under pressure due to lack of downstream buying support, manufacturers, buying counter-offer on low-end, low-cost supply of goods frequently. Downstream industry bearish mood, what is difficult to ascend, the overall real single's capacity is limited, therefore is expected to continue epichlorohydrin market weakness recently falling trend is given priority to, the current market price is not clear, in east China market 11500-12000 yuan/dull to reference.

Domestic epoxy propane epoxy propane: last week, due to the impact of market supply shrank in the north, the east China market reference price 10750-10850 yuan/dull. As the main market prices and large parking good digestion, downstream after just needs a moderate amount of margin, gradually return to rational, with high resistance, increasing market procurement cautious. Downstream polyether new single market gradually light, negative emotions, breeding, restricting epoxy propane market space. Game of supply and demand, the epoxy propane market smoothly through the weekend. This week due to temporarily difficult to restore Jin Ling PO unit, supply shrank, most of the PO without pressure factory shipment, pretty, intention, so expect short-term domestic epoxy propane market temporarily difficult to decline, high rigidity, attention Jin Ling PO device news guidance.

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