JULY 05,2023

BATF launched FS-7056 for polymer coil protective coating

HZ news2023-07-05 15:23

HZ news,High polymer self-adhesive membrane waterproof roll is a new type of waterproof material with excellent performance, which is widely used in basement, subway tunnel, Air raid shelter, grain depot, garbage disposal and other waterproof projects. However, there are still significant pain points during its use, such as the sand surface protection layer (such as mullite or sintered sand) being prone to sand shedding, high quality, and high transportation costs; The application of PET isolation film is prone to foot sticking and inconvenient for construction. For this reason, BATF innovatively developed a polymer lotion applied to the protective coating of polymer coiled materials. Its coating can replace the sand surface protective layer (sintered sand or mullite) or PET isolation film, to solve the pain points of polymer coiled materials such as easy sand falling, self weight, high temperature backtack, and easy foot sticking. At the same time, it optimized the material cost structure, and did not leak glue or open the roll during packaging and transportation, effectively reducing the transportation cost.

1、 Overview of New Product Features

BATF released the innovative product FS-7056, the polymer lotion used for the protective coating of polymer coiled materials, which is highly innovative and has many excellent properties. It can meet the standard requirements in the GB/T 23457-2017 Pre laid Waterproof Rolled Materials, which is mainly reflected in the following aspects: excellent adhesion; Excellent adhesion; Excellent puncture resistance; Excellent outdoor weather resistance.

2、 New product innovation and advantages

FS-7056 is a polymer lotion specially developed for macromolecular coiled material Hot-melt adhesive protective coating to replace the PET isolation film or sand surface protective layer on the surface of macromolecular waterproof coiled material. FS-7056 can improve the compactness of the coating, improve the peel strength with post cast concrete, improve low-temperature flexibility and other properties, and also reduce the material cost and transportation cost.

Conclusion: FS-7056 can provide excellent adhesion for the coating, improve the peel strength with post-cast concrete, and meet the standard requirements of GB/T 23457-2017 "Pre laid Waterproof Rolls" before and after treatment, with a high margin value.

3、 Summary

The newly launched FS-7056 by BATF is a polymer lotion applied to the protective coating of polymer coiled material, which provides an innovative solution for the protective coating of polymer coiled material Hot-melt adhesive. Its coating can replace the traditional sand surface (mullite or sintered sand) or PET isolation membrane. FS-7056 can realize that the finished coiled material meets the requirements of GB/T 23457-2017 Pre laid Waterproof Coiled Material. At the same time, it can solve the pain points of traditional sand faced coiled material that are easy to drop sand and have high quality. Its coating has stronger protection ability to Hot-melt adhesive, good resistance to high temperature backtack, good adaptability to the extreme environment of the construction site, making the appearance of polymer coiled material more beautiful and packaging and transportation more convenient.

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