JUNE 11,2024

Toyo Ink Expands UV Ink Deinking Technology

Toyo Ink2024-06-11 08:47

Now includes cosmetic clear packaging, contributing to an increase in the material recycling rate of plastics.


Source: artience Group

artience Group's Toyo Ink Co., Ltd. is collaborating with J-Film Co., Ltd. to de-ink clear packaging used in cosmetics and other products.

Utilizing the deinking technology developed by Toyo Ink using UV-curable inks and coating agents and the knowledge of J-Film, a producer of clear sheets for packaging, the two companies are currently conducting demonstrations.

The two companies are aiming to commercialize a recycling system for scrap materials generated in printing plants and molding processing plants by 2026, and to establish a system that enables the recycling of all materials, including collection from the market, by 2030.

Hard plastics used in many cosmetic clear packages are particularly difficult to deink because of the hard UV-curable inks coating film, which is one of the factors that hinders the promotion of recycling.

By using a deinking coating agent for UV-curable inks developed by Toyo Ink, it is possible to deink UV-curable inks printed on hard plastics and regenerate them into almost transparent plastics. 

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