FEBRUARY 20,2025

AkzoNobel Launches Waterborne Basecoat for Body Shops

2025-02-20 10:09

A new generation waterborne basecoat for vehicle repair which can significantly improve body shop productivity and performance has been developed by AkzoNobel.
寰俊鍥剧墖_20250207152809.pngAutowave Optima. (Source: AkzoNobel)

Requiring just a single visit to the spray booth, Sikkens Autowave Optima helps achieve up to 50% faster process times compared with conventional basecoat application methods. It means energy costs and carbon emissions can both be reduced by up to 60%*.
The product’s high pigmentation also delivers perfect coverage by applying just 1.5 layers of paint, resulting in material savings of around 15% on average.
“The development of this one-stop application basecoat is a step-change for the car refin-ishes industry,” said Patrick Bourguignon, director of AkzoNobel’s Automotive and Special-ty Coatings business. “It addresses many key challenges, including the need for body shops to be even more sustainable and efficient, as well as mindful of an ongoing skills shortage.”
Autowave Optima is easy to apply and blend and can be used for any type of repair in any climate. In combination with AkzoNobel’s portfolio of fast-drying premium fillers and clear-coats, the new basecoat can further increase system performance while meeting the high-est OEM quality standards.
“The launch of this new generation product demonstrates how focused we are on under-standing the needs of our customers and supplying the best solutions – both now and in the future – to support body shop productivity and performance,” added Bourguignon.

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