APRIL 25,2019

Latest Production Trends of PE Unit in Yanshan Petrochemical Company

2019-04-25 09:18

Yanshan Petrochemical PE new high-voltage plant was converted to LD607; the old high-voltage equipment was temporarily stopped on the 10th day, and the second line was repaired on March 19th. It was planned to test again on the 13th day. After stable operation, H188 and the third line were stopped and repaired, waiting for the second line to be stabilized, the test was arranged again; the first line B5703 and the second line 6800CP were produced.

The old LDPE device 3 is EVA/LDPE device. Due to the withdrawal of capital from DuPont Company, Yanshan Petrochemical Company is responsible for the production of the device, and the EVA produced by Sinopec will be sold independently.

Yanshan Petrochemical Co., Ltd. is located in Fangshan District, Beijing, near the Beijing-Guangzhou Line. It has very convenient road and railway transportation conditions. It has 900,000 tons/year ethylene production capacity and 540,000 tons/year polyethylene production capacity.

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